The Skills Companies Need Most in 2019 (And Where To Learn Them)
The Skills Companies Need Most in 2019
The new year can be an inspiring time for people determined to change their habits and learn new skills. With thousands of skills to choose from, it’s hard to know which are the most efficient to focus time on, and will offer the greatest return on investment.
For those resolving to transform their career in 2019, it’s a good idea to spend time honing the skills most sought after by companies. Using data from LinkedIn, Whiteboard Advisors has identified the skills most sought after in 2019 by over 2,000 companies surveyed.
Cloud Computing
As the world rushes toward the cloud, companies are desperately searching for engineers who have the skills to accommodate this demand.
Recommended Courses
Learning Cloud Computing: Networking Learning
Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Developers
AWS for Architects: Advanced Security
Artificial Intelligence
Machine learning and AI is part of almost every business, and skilled workers in this field are highly sought after.
Recommended Courses
Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Neural Networks
Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Machine Learning
Machine Learning and AI Foundations: Classification Modeling
Analytical Reasoning
As they collect more data than ever before, companies are hungry for professionals who can make smart decisions based off of it.
Recommended Courses:
People Management
The world has changed from a “command-and-control” model toward leaders who can coach and empower, a difficult skillset few professionals possess.
Recommended Courses
Motivating and Engaging Employees
UX Design
UX design is the key to making a digital world work for humans.
Recommended Courses:
UX Foundations: Multidevice Design
Mobile App Development
Recommended Courses:
A skill that’s been in-demand for several years as companies continue to design mobile-first platforms.
React Native Essential Training
iOS 12 Development Essential Training: 1 Fundamental, UI, and Architecture
iOS 12 Development Essential Training: 2 Web Content, Views, and Distribution
Video Production
Demand for video production is spiking as video streaming represents 70 percent of all consumer Internet traffic.
Recommended Courses
Foundations of Video: The Art of Editing
Video Foundations: Cameras and Shooting
Web Video for Business: Creating a Web Series
Sales Leadership
Sales is one of those skills that’s always in-demand, and great sales leaders are only becoming harder and harder to find.
Recommended Courses
Sales: Data-Driven Sales Management
We are more connected globally than ever before, with translation skills breaking down one of the last remaining barriers: language.
Recommended Courses:
Developing Cross-Cultural Intelligence
InDesign: Multilingual Publishing Strategies
Audio Production
Similar to video, there’s been a spike in interest in podcasts and other audio digital formats recently, leading to increased demand for this skill.
Recommended Courses
Tips & Tricks for Modern Producers
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