What Tools do You Need as a Recruiter for an Awesome 2018?
We like making life simple. Why do the hard work when you can maximise your productivity by using the amazing technology available to you. The infographic below shows you the tech that has been making a big impact on the way recruiters source, assess, interview and track candidates.
Some of these names you know well and others may require a quick search. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a budget to sign up for these services but even if you’re a single recruiter you can still avail of some the freemium versions.
To help you decide where to start we’ve chosen three of our top picks for 2018 that will enable you to get ahead of your competitors.
RecruiterFlow SQL Query Generator
If you’re a fan of the SocialTalent blog you RecruiterFlow will ring a bell. The team have been working on developing the ultimate tool to help you source developers. Their SQL Query Generator helps recruiters navigate Stackoverflow with ease and find the diamond candidate they’re looking for.

Source: RecruiterFlow
This tool takes a step away from boolean strings and helps recruiters get even more specific when searching for the perfect developer candidate.
Stack Overflow let users query their internal database in an SQL format that can give you specifically people who have written answers/asked questions for the skills you are searching for. However, SQL is not as easy as boolean and most of us recruiters and sources have been so obsessed with boolean that we have never even taken a second look at SQL based stack overflow database.
Boolean search ranks users based on their total inbound links(not a very good proxy for skill, or overall ranking) instead of the community points they have earned on a particular skill.
Manan Shah, CEO RecruiterFlow
You can start testing the SQL Query Generator now and watch it transform your developer search now. Follow this useful guide from the RecruiterFlow team to make the most of your new favourite tool!
Beamery Pages
Beamery has made its name as one of the slickest candidate relationship softwares on the market. They have now released Beamery Pages, the ultimate add-on for helping you attract passive candidates. Pages lets passive candidates who are visiting your website to register their interest and letting you add them to your pipeline for future campaigns. Check out the video below and visit Beamery to request a demo today!
Codility is another useful tool to help you find the best developers for your vacancy. This neat little tool helps you create online challenges to test your developer candidates. With massive customers like Indeed, EA Games and Samsung Codility have high standards when it comes to producing results. Codility also helps you create the test that is best suited for your job spec. This helps you get an in-depth understanding of your candidate’s ability, helping you make the best decision for your company and your candidate.
What other recruiting tools will you be using in 2018? If you have recently signed up something or discovered a new tool then let us know in the SocialTalent Community!