What’s new on the SocialTalent platform: Content release

When working in the hiring and recruitment sphere, it’s so important to continually upskill and build your foundation of knowledge. To get the best candidates, having a greater understanding of particular areas of expertise can be a huge benefit. It allows you to have natural and confident conversations with both hiring managers and talent alike. 

Learning and development on the SocialTalent platform helps with this. For example, in this release, we’re delighted to welcome Alison Daley to our faculty of experts. Founder and CEO of Recruiting Innovation, Alison’s missions will help demystify the often confusing world of tech recruitment. Check out her latest content below along with more stellar new releases from John Vlastelica on recruitment leadership. 

New content

Technical recruiting with the Alignment Framework™

Stop the awkward and start the conversation. This mission by Alison Daley will change the way you recruit technical talent. Drawing on a toolkit directly from the software development process, you will learn a system you can follow to have consistent, credible and effective conversations with technical candidates, hiring managers, and colleagues. Alison will also teach you how to level up your tech expertise with the Alignment Framework™. 

Frontend developer: Deep dive on a technical role

Join Morgan Whaley, a UI Architect, in this mission on engaging with frontend engineering talent. You’ll get a bird’s-eye view into the workflow and technology of frontend developers as they move through the software development lifecycle. Learn about the junior and senior talent personas so you can better connect candidate profiles to the right position. This content is designed to build your technical understanding, confidence and success in recruiting for frontend talent.

Recruiting leadership: Becoming more strategic

If you are a recruiting leader, your organization’s management team will expect you to act as a partner and someone who helps them build and deploy strategy across their teams. But, how can you become more strategic? And what does strategy mean for recruiting teams? In this mission, John Vlastelica, founder of Recruiting Toolbox, will share with you a practical approach to having strategic conversations in order to influence senior executives and elevate your role as a leader.​

Recruiting leadership: Developing your team

Developing your team is a critical aspect of being a recruiting leader. Are you helping your recruiters achieve their full potential? What behaviours do you reward on your team? In this mission by John Vlastelica, learn how to model and coach your recruiters to accelerate their journey from transactional recruiters to Talent Advisors

Recruiting leadership: Driving culture change

As a recruitment leader, one of the most strategic things you can do is drive culture change within your organization. In this mission by John Vlastelica, learn how to build a culture where everyone feels like recruiting is part of their job and successful hiring manager training is conducted. This mission will also show you how to overcome the most common cultural issues you’ll face when trying to include diversity in your hiring strategy.

Hope you enjoy the new content! And don’t forget to subscribe to our fortnightly newsletter to keep up with everything SocialTalent. And follow us on LinkedIn here. Interested in using the SocialTalent learning platform in your organization? Get in-touch with us today.

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