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Licensed Hiring Success Leader

Are you embarking on a Talent Acquisition transformation program in your organization? Or do you have doubts about how well your TA function is delivering for the business, and feel your TA function could do better? In this Learning Path, learn from the expertise of the Hiring Success team at SmartRecruiters, who have each led TA transformations of their own, and now consult with organizations on how to lead a successful transformation and maturing of clients' TA functions. You'll learn how to identify your real performance metrics, uncover gaps in your company's capability to hire great talent, make a concrete plan for investing and maturing your TA function, get business approval and operationalize the transformation.
Presenters Presented By
Smart Recruiters
SocialTalent Expert
Smart Recruiters
SocialTalent Expert
SocialTalent is so proud to have the SmartRecruiter team within our faculty of industry experts. As celebrated thought-leaders, their practical training is designed to ensure that every learner is engaged, informed, and has that lightbulb moment!

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the Learning Path you will be able to:
Analyze your company's hiring performance using Hiring Success metrics to identify opportunities for transformation and improvement.
Learn to align organizational goals with the transformation process to ensure executive buy-in.
Create a comprehensive strategy and roadmap for TA transformation.
Design a roadmap with clear milestones to guide your transformation journey.

Missions in this Learning Path

In this mission we want to achieve a sense of understanding of the many "why's" concerning TA transformation - ultimately, you will understand where you are going in your transformation, and find your North Star. Learn from the experience of TA-Transformation experts from SmartRecruiters, each of whom has led and operationalized the transformation of their organization's Talent Acquisition functions (even multiple organizations). In this mission, you'll learn how to shift your current metrics to ones that your business truly cares about, and by analyzing your company's hiring performance using Hiring Success metrics, you'll unearth multiple opportunities for transformation and improvement.
You understand your "why" by defining your purpose and North Star" - you're about to take your first steps in your transformation journey by understanding the "How" of TA Transformation. As every business will need sign-off from the Executive team for transformation, you must establish a compelling and rigorous business case, and for this we must define the organizational goals to make the business case a success.
In this mission, SmartRecruiters have developed the Hiring Success Business Assessment, which is used by organizations around the world and gives them insight into their TA maturity, the growth they have gone through in the previous period and helps them define what to prioritise next. You can use it too! Successfully driving transformation requires you to ensure you are doing the right things in the right order. For this you need to create an overview of the current state of your TA function in a way you can compare each part of your TA function against each other. From here, you can define priorities and take your first step towards building out your strategy and roadmap.
In this mission, the SmartRecruiters team will help you build your strategy. Building your plan on how you are going to approach your transformation is your strategy. Your strategy should hold a clear overview of the why, the scope, the methodology used, the current state assessment, priorities, and a roadmap with clear milestones.
With your strategy laid out, it's now time to execute! In ths mission, the SmartRecruiters team will help you secure project alignment, manage the running projects, and help you navigage the intricacies of change management.
In this mission, the SmartRecruiters team will help you measure the success and impact of your transformation project. Once you are in the middle of excecution, from go-live to maturity, leverage advanced insights to report on key metrics while identifying next steps and further opportunities for growth.
In this mission, learn from those who've gone before - the SmartRecruiters team will share case studies from transformations they've led, show you what went wrong, what worked out surprisingly well, and share insights that you can bring into your own transformation.

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