Course Library > DEI > How To Lead DEI Conversations As A Talent Advisor

How To Lead DEI Conversations As A Talent Advisor

Leading DE&I conversations as a Talent Advisor can be challenging. The key to success is having a diversity strategy. By the end of this Learning Path, you will be able to: define anti-bias hiring criteria, use tactical strategies to ensure equal access to job opportunities for all, foster a diverse hiring culture, and structure interviews and decision-making in a way that mitigates bias and encourages collaboration
Presenters Presented By
John Vlastelica
SocialTalent Expert
John Vlastelica
SocialTalent Expert
John Vlastelica draws from over 20 years of recruiting experience, including almost 10 years as a corporate recruiting leader. He was the Head of Recruiting for Expedia, Head of Tech Recruiting for, and a hands-on recruiter and engineering recruiting leader for two start-up divisions of McCaw/AT&T Wireless. In 2005, he started Recruiting Toolbox to help other companies improve their in-house recruiting capabilities.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the Learning Path you will be able to:
Develop anti-bias hiring criteria.
Apply tactical strategies to ensure candidates have equal access to job opportunities.
Mitigate for bias and encourage collaboration through a structured interview and decision-making process.
Foster a diverse hiring culture in your company.

Missions in this Learning Path

With the power of diversity and inclusion well-known in our organisations, a significant hurdle we still face is how we ensure a fair, unbiased interviewing and hiring process. You play a leading role as Talent Advisor. In this mission, by John Vlastelica of Recruiting Toolbox, learn how you can define and implement the strategy to mitigate bias and have fairer hiring processes, while coaching managers to build a diverse and inclusive organisation.

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