Course Library > DEI > LGBTQI+ Allyship

LGBTQI+ Allyship

For people to achieve their full potential, they need to feel safe to bring their authentic selves to the workplace. This Learning Path will enable you to create a supportive environment for trans and gender non-conforming employees. You will learn how to practice allyship every day, and the practical steps to create a more LGBTQI+ inclusive organization.
Presenters Presented By
Joanne Lockwood
SocialTalent Expert
Joanne Lockwood
SocialTalent Expert
Joanne Lockwood is the founder and CEO of SEE Change Happen, an equality, diversity, inclusion & belonging practice specializing in LGBTQ and transgender awareness.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the Learning Path you will be able to:
Create a supportive environment for trans and gender non-conforming employees.
Practice allyship every day, and the practical steps to create a more LGBTQI+ inclusive organization.

Missions in this Learning Path

Joanne Lockwood shares her lived experience and practical advice for how to empower effective allies for the LGBTQI+ community in your workplace, particularly how to support trans and gender non-conforming individuals - this mission will challenge your perceptions in a way that will make you think.

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