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Cisco create a world-class candidate experience

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Cisco’s primary reason for partnering with SocialTalent was based on a fundamental desire to make candidate experience at the interview stage world-class. Their goal was to upskill hiring managers and panelists with SocialTalent training to improve interview structures, drive a fair and transparent process, and reduce the risk of making poor hires.


After surveying hiring managers about the need for training and receiving a 78% positive response rate, Cisco got down to brass tacks in rolling out SocialTalent learning. They established a project management team to oversee delivery and also deemed it mandatory for any employee who participated in interviews to complete the training and gain the Cisco Certified Interviewer award.

"We wanted to give Cisco employees the best information possible in the easiest way for them to learn and SocialTalent already had that set-up. People love the missions, the way everything is structured, the vignettes of information and accomplishment badges."​ Mỹ-Châu Matrick​ Leader, Talent Acquisition Operation Program and Change

Business Impact:

Thanks to such a dedicated and organized approach, Cisco immediately saw positive returns. Crucially, NPS scores from candidates being interviewed rose. With close to 40,000 registered users on the platform Cisco has seen massive uptake in the SocialTalent interview training, with over 93% of users giving hugely positive feedback in terms of relevance and quality.

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